Neighboring five other regions, the Region of South Moravia lies in the south-eastern corner of the Czech Republic, next to the Austrian and Slovak borders. The region itself is split into 7 districts and 27 administrative divisions with extended powers. Out of the 673 South Moravian municipalities 49 are towns, the largest of them being Brno, the second largest city in the Czech Republic (on 30 September 2015 Brno was a home to
376 561 people, i.e. 32% of the regional population). Another 5 district capitals keep in the bracket of 20 to 50 thousand inhabitants. The other end of the scale is occupied by
111 smallest villages with less than 200 dwellers each on average. The rate of unemployment encountered in the South Moravian Region on 31 December 2015 was 7.0%, a figure long-term keeping above the Czech Republic average - when compared with the other regions, South Moravia ranks the fourth region worst afflicted by unemployment.
In contrast, the GDP generated by one regional citizen (83.1% of EU average in 2014) keeps long-term above the national average, second only to the Capital City of Prague.
Counted among the major employers can be TYCO Kuřim (electrical industry) or IBM Global Services (IT services). Considerable progress has recently been made by research and development facilities (the CITEC and ICRC research centers). Considering the data released by the CzechInvest agency, the region enjoys sustained favor of investors, who appreciate particularly its advantageous position and available workforce. Disregarding Prague, the Region of South Moravia may boast the highest visitor figures among all CR regions, a fact testifying to its natural diversity, unique cultural heritage, wine-growing tradition (with 91% of national vineyard area), folklore, hitch-hiking and cycling opportunities, flourishing spas, traditional fairs, rich cultural life and friendly people.
As an attraction able to lure crowds of fans from all over Europe can be named the Masaryk Ring in Brno, a venue of motorbike and motorcar races, where also the highly esteemed Grand Prix of road bikes is held.
7,195 km²
Capital city: